So today was my 37th birthday.
I had such a lovely day. The sun shone and I got to spend it with my girls. Lucky lady.
Elsie and I made banana fairy cakes which we iced this morning with lemon icing and sprinkles. We took these to our regular children's centre to celebrate my birthday. All the children sang me happy birthday at circle time. Aww!
Elsie had a great time playing outside. I love this photo of her tearing around on the trike wearing snorkelling goggles and carrying a torch. Hilarious.
Elsie and I had a mini party at home for lunch . we had crisp and marmite sandwiches in white bread. Else had a small packet of Haribo sweets which she rapidly dispensed with. I looked up just as she popped the last jelly heart into her mouth. "Aww no haribo for mummy?" I laughed. She gave me a cheeky look like "miiine!" Then paused thought about it, retrieved the half masticated sweet from her mouth, bit it accurately in half and gave it to me. Sweet!
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