Wednesday 3 August 2011


Today Elsie tried meat for the first time. I had her some very small meatballs - just out of some leftover beef mince from dinner last night. I added nothing to the mince, just pan fried them and left them to cool.

We gave them to her as finger food this morning along with her pureed breakfast. She really struggled to pick them up but after much chasing them round the high chair tray (all the while her mean parents engaging in a bit of schadenfreude and laughing at her) she finally got it in her hand and up to her mouth.

She destroyed it!  Probably the lumpiest / most solid texture thing she has eaten so far. She was really good at biting a bit off and did good chewing them systematically spat out every tiny lump (this is apparently a good thing - it's "what babies do"). Mince everywhere!

For her next carnivorous experience I think I am going to poach and puree some chicken breast. Poor Elsie!

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